
PT3 - Experimental Gravitation


Tartaglia, Angelo


Talk Title

Light: A Perfect Probe For Gravity


The talk will present the different possibilities offered by light for analyzing the local structure of space time, i.e. the gravitational field. The discussion will cover various aspects of the interaction, combining the full Riemann tensor with the electromagnetic field of propagating waves. Geometric effects as well as polarization effects, propagation delays and phase changes will be considered. A special attention will be devoted to the gravitational field of steadily rotating masses and the interaction of light beams with the corresponding chiral symmetric space-times. Various actual and possible experimental tests will be reviewed, all based on light, both from natural (observation) and artificial (direct experiment) sources. A detailed elaboration of the possibilities of ring laser based techniques will be presented, having direct reference to the GINGER project, with its three-dimensional array of rings. A mention will also be made of the possibility of mapping space-time patches by means of local time measurements interconnected with light links.

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