
PT3 - Experimental Gravitation


Ciocci, Emanuele


Martini, Manuele; Dell'Agnello, Simone; Chandler, John; Currie, Douglas; Bianco, Giuseppe; Delle Monache, Giovanni; Boni, Alessandro; Contessa, Stefania; Cantone, Claudio; Patrizi, Giordano; Tibuzzi, Mattia; Intaglietta, Nicola; Salvatori, Lorenzo; Lops, Caterina; Porcelli, Luca; Mondaini, Chiara; Tuscano, Paolo; Maiello, Mauro

Talk Title

Next-generation Laser Retroreflectors for Precision Tests of General Relativity


When first installed in the 1970s, the Apollo CCRs geometry contributed only a negligible fraction of the ranging error budget, today, because of lunar librations, this contribution dominates the error budget, limiting the precision of the experimental tests of gravitational theories. The new MoonLIGHT-2/LLRRA-21 (Moon Laser Instrumentation for General relativity High-accuracy Tests) apparatus is a new-generation LLR payload made of a single large CCR unaffected by librations. To optimize the MoonLIGHT-2/LLRRA-21 design and its lunar deployment, we performed both experimental tests of MoonLIGHT-2 thermal properties in simulated space condition and GR test simulations using the Planetary Ephemeris Program software, developed by the Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

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