
AT3 - Wormholes, Energy Conditions and Time Machines


Lavrelashvili, George


Lavrelashvili, George

Talk Title

On Wormholes Creation by Quantum Tunnelling


We study the process of quantum tunneling in self-interacting scalar field theory with non-minimal coupling to gravity. We demonstrate that in these theories gravitational instantons can develop a neck -- a feature prohibited in theories with minimal coupling. We show that such instantons with necks lead to the materialization of bubble geometries containing a wormhole region. We also clarify the relationship of neck geometries to violations of the null energy condition. [1] G.Lavrelashvili,``Creation Of Wormholes During The False Vacuum Decay,'' Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 45 (1987) 185. [2] L.Battarra, G.Lavrelashvili and J.L.Lehners, ``Creation of wormholes by quantum tunnelling in modified gravity theories,'' Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 12, 124015; arXiv:1407.6026 [hep-th].

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