
QG2 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Modesto, Leonardo


Talk Title

Dark supernova and black holes in nonlocal gravity


In a class of weakly nonlocal theories of gravity we investigate the gravitational collapse and the formation of singularity-free black holes. The classical singularity inside the matter region is replaced by a bounce, after which the body starts expanding again. A black hole never forms, and the gravitational collapse only creates an apparent horizon, which can be interpreted as an event horizon when the observational timescale is shorter than the lifetime of the apparent horizon. We also exactly solve truncated equations of motion in the region outside the collapsing body and we reconstruct the solution in the whole spacetime. Now the gravitational collapse creates a singularity-free black hole in a finite amount of time, but the singularity is approached in an infinite amount of time. We argue that these black holes should be unstable providing a link between the two scenarios here presented.

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