
QG2 - Quantum Gravity Phenomenology


Singh, Dinesh


Mobed, Nader

Talk Title

Local Space-Time Curvature Effects on Quantum Orbital Angular Momentum


This paper claims that local space-time curvature can non-trivially contribute to the properties of orbital angular momentum in quantum mechanics. Of key importance is the demonstration that an extended orbital angular momentum operator due to gravitation can identify the existence of orbital states with half-integer projection quantum numbers "m" along the axis of quantization, while still preserving integer-valued orbital quantum numbers "l" for a simply connected topology. The consequences of this possibility are explored in depth, noting that the half-integer "m" states vanish as required when the locally curved space-time reduces to flat space-time, fully recovering all established properties of orbital angular momentum in this limit. In particular, it is shown that a minimum orbital number of "l = 2" is necessary for the gravitational interaction to appear within this context, in perfect correspondence with the spin-2 nature of linearized general relativity.

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