
BH1-2-3 - (BH1) Binary Black Holes as Sources of Multi-messenger Astronomy - (BH2) Black holes in binary stellar systems - (BH3) Black holes in galactic nuclei




Chakrabarti, Sandip K.; Debnath, Dipak; Molla, Aslam Ali; Jana, Arghajit

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Viscosity profile and Quasi Periodic Oscillations frequency of few transient black hole candidates


Matters enter into the potential well formed by the compact objects due to the transport of angular momentum by viscosity. We compute the amount of viscosity during the outburst time of the transient sources. In the progressive days as the viscosity increases inner edge of the Keplerian disk moves closer to the black holes. Thus the size of the Compton cloud reduces and the frequency of the Quasi Periodic Oscillations increases. We also compute the Compton cooling day by day, which is responsible for the movement of the shock both in rising and declining phases of the outburst. Our viscosity value rises/decays monotonically during the rising/declining phases of the outburst, well within the range proposed by magnetorotational instability. For that we solve the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions and derive the condition of shock formation in presence of Compton cooling.

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