
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Gupt, Brajesh


Talk Title

Robustness of phenomenological consequences of quantum geometries in loop quantum cosmology


Over the past decade loop quantum cosmology (LQC) has matured appreciably while making progress of both fronts: observational signatures in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and resolution of cosmological singularity. Due to the modified dynamics in the pre-inflationary era the initial conditions for both the background and cosmological perturbations are different from those in the standard inflationary scenario. These modifications can lead to imprints on the CMB. In this talk we study the robustness of these results from various fronts by considering general states of large dispersions for the background evolution as well as more general vacuum states for cosmological perturbations. We find that a generalized notion of the so called effective description emerges. Moreover, general states do not add any new parameter and the previous results are robust under these generalizations. We will also discuss some of the recent developments towards new observational consequences of loop quantum geometry on the CMB.

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