
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Barbero, Fernando


Barbero, Fernando; Juarez-Aubry, Benito; Margalef-Bentabol, Juan; Villaseñor, Eduardo

Talk Title

Fock quantization of field theories coupled to point particles


We discuss the Fock quantization of a compound classical system consisting of point masses and a scalar field. This is done by relying on the rigorous Hamiltonian formulation of the model obtained from the geometric constraint algorithm of Gotay, Nester and Hinds. This Hamiltonian description is used to characterize in a precise way the real Hilbert space of classical solutions to the equations of motion and rigorously construct the Fock space. The quantization procedure that we follow is a generalization of standard QFT in curved spacetimes methods and hence may be of interest beyond the simple model that we discuss. From a physical perspective the space of states that we find displays some interenting features, the most striking one being the impossibility of factoring it as a tensor product of Hilbert spaces naturally associated with the point masses and the field. Some consequences of this fact are discussed.

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