
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Rastgoo, Saeed


Morales Tecotl, Hugo A.; Orozco Borunda, Daniel H.; Rastgoo, Saeed

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Polymerization, the Problem of Access to the Saddle Point Approximation, and Thermodynamics


The semiclassical information in many systems can be accessed via the saddle point approximation to the Euclidean path integral. This is particularly important in accessing thermodynamic properties of black holes, since the Euclidean path integral is interpreted as the partition function of such systems. However, there are important (dilatonic) black hole models for which this method of approximation can not be applied without further modification of the action. The situation is usually resolved by adding a counter-term to the action. However, in this work, we seek an alternative method, namely polymerizing the action. Since this is our first attempt, instead of a black hole model itself, we consider the polymerization of an analog mechanical toy model to see if our proposed method can resolve the aforementioned issue. Our analysis shows that, depending on the polarization of polymerization, one either will resolve the issue without the need to add any boundary counter-term to the action at all, or will modify this counter-term by polymerization. In either case, this is an strong indication that this method will probably modify the thermodynamic results if applied to the black holes.

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