
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Bilski, Jakub


Talk Title

Quantum reduced loop gravity: extension to quantum scalar field


Working within the framework of Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity (QRLG), I will show the quantization of the Hamiltonian constraint for the Einsteinian theory of gravity minimally coupled to a scalar field. This procedure relies on the method proposed by T. Thiemann (QSD V) and developed in the collaboration with E. Alesci and F. Cianfrani. The scalar field is described in terms of point-holonomies, located at the nodes of the graph, and smeared momenta. The regularization of the scalar part of the Hamiltonian constraint is performed by replacing the triangulation with the cubulation of the spatial manifold and SU(2) group elements of LQG with the corresponding U(1) group elements in QRLG. The resulting action of the scalar constraints operator contains only analytic coefficients and the expectation value of its scalar field part reproduces the classical expression at the leading order. The next-to-the-leading order corrections are purely quantum, and can be discussed in conjunction with their possible phenomenological implications.

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