
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Ashtekar, Abhay


Talk Title

Overview of Recent Applictions of Loop Quantum Gravity to Cosmology


I will provide an overview of recent applications of Loop Quantum Gravity to Cosmology. Specifically, Loop Quantum Cosmology has extended the standard cosmological perturbation theory over the 12 orders of magnitude in curvature and matter density that separate the onset of inflation from the Planck regime. This extension has brought out an unforeseen interplay between the quantum geometry effects in the deep ultraviolet that are resolve the big bang singularity, and properties of perturbations in the infrared that affect physics at the largest angular scales. In particular, they open a door to account for the `anomalies' in the Planck data using fundamental physics of quantum gravity. These advances illustrate, in concrete terms, that the subject has matured sufficiently to allow a two way dialog between theory and observations. This talk will complement and bridge the brief summary of Loop Quantum Gravity in my plenary talk and the detailed account of the resolution of cosmological singularities, that I will provide in Session EU2 on Thursday, entitled "Quantum Fields", Chaired by Prof Belinski.

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