
QG3 - Loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes


Pawlowski, Tomasz


Pawlowski, Tomasz; Montecinos, Alejandra

Talk Title

Quantum field anomalies in loop quantum cosmology


Recent advancements in building emergent field theories on loop quantum bacground indicate, that the violation to the Lorenz invariance is generated by state dependent quantum properties of quantum geometry (ie. dispersion), not the modification to the predicted dynamics itself. That provides a window to apply in loops elements of quantum field theories in certain regimes of at least the cosmological sector. One of such are techniques of estimating the vacuum matter field energy via conformal anomalies. This property is used to build a consistent adaptation of the so called Starobinsky model to loop quantum cosmology. In presented work this is performed for the model of flat Friendman-Roberstson-Walker universe. The dynamics of an emerging system is analyzed for simple cosmological scenarios with focus on qualitatively new features: modifications to low energy regime and new attractors in high energy sector.

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