
BN7 - Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity


Calderón Bustillo, Juan


Bohé, Alejandro; Husa, Sascha; Sintes, Alicia M.; Hannam, Mark; Puerrer, Michael.

Talk Title

Accuracy of Complete Hybrid PN/NR Descriptions Of The Gravitational Radiation From Non-Precessing Compact Binaries


Hybrid post-Newtonian/Numerical Relativity (PN/NR) waveforms are the basis of continuous inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform families like the several Phenom families and have been used as models of the true emitted signal in several mock data challenges. However, up to now, these have only included the dominant mode of the GW emission. We discuss the construction of hybrid PN/NR waveforms including the higher order modes of the gravitational radiation emitted by non-precessing compact binaries and analyze the accuracy with which these are computed in the context of both the PN and NR formalisms. We find that PN results are mainly affected by truncation errors while NR ones have their main error source in the finitude of the radius at which the signal is extracted. We show results obtained using both BAM and SpEC NR data and provide figures of merit and diagnostics of the quality of the final full hybrid waveform.

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