
BN7 - Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity


Celestino, Juliana


Celestino, Juliana; de Oliveira, Henrique P.; Rodrigues, Eduardo L.

Talk Title

Nonlinear evolution of cylindrical gravitational waves


There is currently a vivid expectation of a direct detection of gravitational waves from one or more detectors built specially to this aim. Meanwhile, theoretical studies concerning the wave-forms generated by sources of gravitational radiation and their efficiency are of great interest and constitute a valid effort to understand the role played by the nonlinear character of Einstein equations. The use of numerical techniques is unavoidable if one wants to accomplish any success in exploring at theoretical level the fundamental aspects of gravitational wave emission. In spite of their unphysical character, cylindrical waves constitute an interesting nonlinear problem in which both polarization modes are present. We have constructed an efficient numerical code to integrate the field equations based on a combination of Galerkin and pseudospectral methods. As usual the code tests were performed quite satisfactorily, and we have focused on the nonlinear evolution.

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