
BN7 - Interfacing analytical and numerical relativity


Nagar, Alessandro


Talk Title

Gravitational waves from coalescing compact binaries: interfacing analytical and numerical techniques


I will report on recent results about the effective one body (EOB) approach to the general-relativistic two-body dynamics and its completion using NR simulations. I will discuss three physical systems: (i) coalescence of (spinning) black hole binaries (BBHs); (ii) coalescence of neutron star (NS) binaries, with particular emphasis on the modelization of tidal effects up to merger, whose measurability in GW experiments will likely allow us to put strong constraints on the equation of state of ultra-dense matter; (iii) the strong-field scattering of BBHs as a useful numerical laboratory to extract strong-field information to complete the analytical model. I will show several examples where state-of-the-art NR simulations can inform the EOB model so to build a comprehensive EOBNR model of the two-body dynamics and waveforms in general relativity.

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