
HR1 - History of Relativity and Cosmology


Sigismondi, Costantino


Mimmo, Alessio; Carinci, Massimo

Talk Title

The Eddington's Eclispe And Possible Replica Of The Experiment Of Light Bending


The success of the first measurement of the light bending by the solar gravitational field is due to the particular stellar field during the Eddington eclipse. In the 1919 total eclipse the Sun was near the Hyades, giving the opportunity to measure the gravitational bending of the light to the astronomers in two expeditions in Brazil, Sobral, and on the Principe Island in the Atlantic Ocean. This stellar field has geometrical properties particularly adapt to this experiment of General Relativity, and a novel replica of this observation is presented and discussed in the context of the International Year of Light 2015.

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