
CM2-3 - (CM2) Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: Implications of Planck and Other Experiments in Temperature and Polarization (CM3) Galaxy Clusters as probes for Cosmology and Dark Matter


Ostermann, Peter


Talk Title

The PLANCK 2015 Mismatch of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Cluster Counts and a Universal Microwave Background Composed of Redshifted Radiation from 'Dark' Matter


The PLANCK 2015 model predictions do not match the observed Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts well. The discrepancy suggests that the data favour a steeper slope. The question is whether this behaviour might be in better agreement with a Planck microwave background as mathematically composed of redshifted radiation emitted from 'dark' matter within a stationary universe. This alternative has been recently derived for the first time. According to SUM (Stationary Universe Model) the SZ amplitude would be continuously weakened and vanishing at z >> 1, even its profile might be disturbed and slightly shifted to lower frequencies.

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