
CM2-3 - (CM2) Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: Implications of Planck and Other Experiments in Temperature and Polarization (CM3) Galaxy Clusters as probes for Cosmology and Dark Matter


Salas, Luis


Salas, Luis

Talk Title

On the use of redshift as a time parameter in the FLRW metric


I comment on the different choices of time parameter that are employed to calculate proper co-moving distance in the FLWR metric. I argue that redshift is used by more authors in recent years due to a series of advantages from the observational point of view. I therefore present the geometric Alcock-Paczyński (1979) test, that has recently been used as a probe for cosmology, in the same terms and note the simplicity and symmetry of the expression. I also present the FLRW metric in terms of the redshift and the Hubble function, and show how the later replaces the need for a scaling function.

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