
CM2-3 - (CM2) Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: Implications of Planck and Other Experiments in Temperature and Polarization (CM3) Galaxy Clusters as probes for Cosmology and Dark Matter


Leahy, John Patrick


Leahy, J. Patrick for the Planck Collaboration

Talk Title

Effectiveness of Galactic Foreground Separation in Planck and Future CMB Maps


The CMB shares the microwave band with Galactic emission from at least four continuum processes, all with spatially variable spectra and so not precisely represented by templates. In addition there are many molecular emission lines, which are already detectable as contaminants in four of the fourteen WMAP and Planck bands. Fortunately all of these processes are subdominant to the CMB in the octave centred on 70 GHz, over most of the sky, and four independent methods, each with their own simplifying assumptions, have successfully extracted CMB maps from Planck data with residual foreground contamination below the thermal noise and other systematic residuals, with only the brightest Galactic regions masked. This is confirmed by the lack of detectable non-Gaussianity. Foregrounds are relatively brighter in polarization, especially on large angular scales, albeit simpler to model with only thermal dust and synchrotron significant at Planck sensitivity. Future B-mode experiments may have to deal with weak polarization from other sources; in particular differencing polarimeters are susceptible to strong artefacts from spectral lines.

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