
BN6 - Post-Newtonian and Analytic Approximations


Malec, Edward


Patryk Mach

Talk Title

General-relativistic rotation laws in rotating fluid bodies


We formulate new general-relativistic extensions of Newtonian rotation laws for self-gravitating stationary fluids. They allow one to rederive, in the first post-Newtonian approximation, the well known geometric dragging of frames, but they imply two other general-relativistic weak-field effects within rotating tori. These are the recently discovered dynamic anti-dragging \cite{JMMP} and a new effect that measures the deviation from the Keplerian motion and/or the contribution of the fluids selfgravity \cite{PMEM}. These rotation laws offer convenient tool to the study of the uniqueness and the convergence of post-Newtonian approximations, as well as the existence of the post-Newtonian limits. \bibitem{JMMP} P.\ Jaranowski, P.\ Mach, E.\ Malec, and M.\ Pir\'og, Phys.\ Rev.\ \textbf{D91}, 024039(2015). \bibitem{PMEM} P.\ Mach and E.\ Malec Phys.\ Rev.\ \textbf{D91}, in print.

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