Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Schreiber , Ulrich


Technical University of Munich  - Arcisstr. 21 - Muenchen - Bavaria - Germany








15:55 25'


Oral abstract


Advances in high resolution inertial rotation sensing
Coauthors André Gebauer and Jan Kodet


Large ring lasers have improved significantly over the last year, so that we can now begin to separate and mitigate error sources that are not related to the rotation sensing process from the Sagnac interferogram. As a result of that we were able to reduce the measurement error of the 16 m 2 G ring laser of the Geodetic Observatory Wettzell by a factor of two. At the same time the residual sensor drift reduced significantly. Until now most of the investigations on large ring laser gyroscopes were dealing with a single component ring laser, orientated horizontally on the ground. Over the last two years we have constructed a four component ring laser structure, which is arranged in the form of an inverted tetrahedron with the tip in the ground. For the first time this arrangement can provide three dimensional rotation measurements with extra redundancy. On this road of a high resolution monitoring of a global measurement quantity (earth rotation) with a local sensor (ring laser), we have encountered a number of serious challenges. This talk illustrates the recent progress in high resolution Sagnac Interferometry and its application to space geodesy and beyond.

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