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MG15 - Talk detail

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Lochan, Kinjalk


IISER Mohali  - Sector 81 - Mohali - Punjab - India








17:30 15'


Oral abstract


Quantum Correlators in Friedmann Spacetimes
Coauthors Karthik Rajeev, Amit Vikram, T. Padmanabhan


We discuss several aspects of quantum field theory of a scalar field in a Friedmann universe. We begin by showing that it is possible to map the dynamics of a scalar field with a given mass, in a given Friedmann background to another scalar field of a different mass in another Friedmann universe. In particular one can map the dynamics of (1) a massless scalar field in a universe with power-law expansion to (2) a massive scalar field in the de Sitter spacetime. This allows us to understand several features of either system in a simple manner and clarifies several issues related to the massless limit, recovering some key results which are — though known earlier — not adequately appreciated. One of these results is the fact that, in any Friedmann universe, sourced by a negative pressure fluid, the Wightman function for a massless scalar field is divergent. This shows that the divergence of Wightman function for the massless field in the de Sitter spacetime is just a special, limiting, case of this general phenomenon. We provide a generally covariant procedure for defining the power spectrum of vacuum fluctuations in terms of the different Killing vectors present in the spacetime, which indicates presence of a minimum quantum noise.

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