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MG15 - Talk detail

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Belvedere, Riccardo


CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas  - Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil








17:15 25'


Oral abstract


Realistic Neutron Star Configurations and the Magnetic Field of Pulsars
Coauthors Jorge Rueda, Remo Ruffini


We have developed a neutron star (NS) model based on the solution of the coupled Einstein-Maxwell-Thomas-Fermi equations, taking into account all the fundamental interactions in the framework of general relativity and relativistic mean field theory. The model fulfills global and not local charge neutrality and the equilibrium configurations are built both in the static and in the uniformly rotating cases. Uniform rotation is introduced following the Hartle’s formalism. Here, we show that using realistic parameters of rotating neutron stars, are obtained values of the magnetic field and radiation efficiency of pulsars very different from estimates based on fiducial parameters, namely, by assuming a neutron star mass M = 1.4 Msun;, radius R = 10 km, and moment ofinertia I = 10^45 g cm2. In particular, applying realistic values to the high-magnetic field pulsars class, we show that all of these sources can be described as canonical pulsars driven by the rotational energy of the neutron star, and have magnetic fields lower than the quantum critical field for any value of the neutron star mass.

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