Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Sarkar, Shilpa


Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital  - Manora Peak - Nainital - Uttarakhand - India







Poster abstract


Two-Temperature Flows Around Compact Objects


We study general relativistic two temperature accretion solutions around black holes. The thermodynamics of each constituent species of the relativistic fluid is governed by relativistic equation of state. Cooling has pronounced effect on electrons but negligible effect on protons. On the other hand, various dissipative processes like viscosity affects protons more than the electrons. So, electrons and protons are likely to settle down at two separate temperatures for realistic Coulomb interaction term which controls the energy exchange between these two constituent species of the gas. For inviscid accretion flow, at any given distance from the black hole, we have three unknowns velocity v, electron temperature (Te), proton temperature (Tp) and two constants of motion : generalized Bernoulli parameter and accretion rate. So, for different combinations of v, Te and Tp, we get distinctly different solutions for the same value of Bernoulli parameter and accretion rate. In other words, the solutions are not unique. We found a smart way of fixing this problem by using the principles of second law of thermodynamics. We are able to define the expression of entropy close to the horizon. Since the law of nature is to always prefer a solution of higher entropy, we identify the solution with highest entropy to be the physical one. According to our knowledge no general way of finding the solutions taking into account the degeneracy problem have not been reported so far. This is the first time we have attempted towards obtaining the general picture of the physical solutions in the two-temperature regime.

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