Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Wondrak, Michael Florian


Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)  - Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1 - Frankfurt am Main - Hessen - Germany







Oral abstract


Superradiance in Rotating MOG Black Holes


As an alternative to the introduction of dark matter, John Moffat proposed Modified Gravity (MOG), a covariant extension of general relativity by a fifth force. In this theory, the gravitational interaction is weakened on small distances due to the presence of a massive mediating vector field. The relative difference between the effective gravitational constants on large and on small scales is denoted by the parameter á. Black hole solutions in MOG differ from those in general relativity in several properties, e.g., the shape and size of the black hole shadow. This allows an in principal constraint on á by observation. In this talk, we investigate superradiance of rotating MOG black holes. Superradiance stands for the amplification of a classical field amplitude in a scattering process with a black hole. This process extracts energy from the black hole similar to the Penrose effect for classical particles. We calculate the impact of á on the critical frequency, below which superradiance occurs.

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