Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Simovic, Fil


University of Waterloo  - 200 University Avenue West - Waterloo - Ontario - Canada







Oral abstract


A Holographic Approach To Gravitational Thermodynamics


Standard approaches to understanding the thermodynamic nature of gravity, such as black hole thermodynamics and the membrane paradigm, are limited in the sense that quantities are typically defined on teleological surfaces like the event horizon, or spatial infinity. This is unsatisfactory, since local observers cannot easily access these types of boundaries. To overcome these limitations we use 2+1 dimensional timelike hypersurfaces called 'gravitational screens' as quasi-local observers. Einstein's equations projected onto a screen reduce to the equations of non-equilibrium thermodynamics for a viscous fluid, which encode all of the gravitational dynamics present inside the screen in terms of a holographic fluid living on the surface, without being restricted to the event horizon of a black hole or to spatial infinity. We study the properties and dynamics of this fluid for screens in various space-times, study the equations of state that arise, and establish a relationship between the gravitational degrees of freedom in the bulk, and the thermodynamic degrees of freedom on the screen.

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