Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Sarbach, Olivier


Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo  - Ciudad Universitaria - Morelia - Michoacan - Mexico







Oral abstract


Self-gravitating black hole scalar wigs


It has long been known that no static, spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat Klein-Gordon scalar field configuration surrounding a nonrotating black hole can exist in general relativity. At the effective level, this no-hair theorem can be circumvented by relaxing the staticity assumption: for appropriate model parameters, there are quasibound scalar field configurations (dubbed scalar wigs) living on a fixed Schwarzschild background which, although not being strictly static, have a larger lifetime than the age of the universe. This situation arises when the mass of the scalar field distribution is much smaller than the black hole mass. In this talk we extend previous work to include the gravitational backreaction produced by the scalar wigs. We derive new approximate solutions of the spherically symmetric Einstein-Klein-Gordon system which represent self-gravitating scalar wigs surrounding black holes. These configurations interpolate between boson star configurations and Schwarzschild black holes dressed with the long-lived scalar test field distributions. Brief comments on the possibility that these configurations could describe the innermost regions of dark matter halos will be made.

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