Talk detail

MG15 - Talk detail

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Tomasi, Maurizio


Università degli Studi di Milano  - Via Celoria, 16 - Milano - - Italy







Oral abstract


Perspectives in CMB data analysis: the Planck/LFI case


Planck was a third-generation CMB mission that enormously improved the legacy of the COBE and WMAP missions by releasing high-sensitivity maps of the full microwave sky in a broad range of frequencies (30-850 GHz). The results of the analysis of Planck data have allowed us to constrain many cosmological parameters to unprecedented accuracies, thus improving our understanding of the origin of our Universe. Still, the quest to improve our knowledge of the CMB is still very active, in particular concerning the detection of the elusive B-mode signal predicted by inflationary theories and the measurement of spectral anomalies. As a result, many collaborations have proposed designs for new space missions in the last years (among others, LiteBIRD, CORE, PICO). A ubiquitous feature among these proposals is the usage of a large number of detectors, which is orders of magnitude larger than Planck yet fundamental to detect the faint B-mode signal. However, a densely-populated focal plane poses significant issues in the choice of the data analysis strategies, both regarding computational power and complexity of the implementation. In this contribution, I will describe how we implemented and used the pipeline of the Planck LFI instrument, and I will try to derive a few lessons that might be useful for future CMB experiments from space.

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