
PT3 - Experimental Gravitation


Ulbricht, Hendrik


Ulbricht, Hendrik

Talk Title

Prospects for using levitated optomechanics to test fundamental physics


We will present our experiments on levitating nanoparticles by optical and magnetic forces in vacuum. The goal of such experiments is to gain control, ultimately even coherent control on different degrees of freedom of the centre-of- mass motion of a trapped particle; including translation [1], rotation [2] and precession. Towards this goal we develop new theoretical concepts for the preparation of motional states [3] and implement those as experimental manipulation techniques [4,5]. Some experiments are based on optical trapping and manipulation, while others make use of magnetic fields generated by a permanent magnet close to a type-1 superconductor. All those schemes have in common that they hold promise to be utilized as sensors of weak forces [6,7]. Such forces include gravity but also forces, which are based on magnetic moments of few electron and nuclear Spins. We will discuss some of the ideas for NMR type experiments with levitated mechanics; ranging from Spin noise based measurements to coherent Ramsey-type schemes of Spin polarized ensembles. [1] J.Vovrosh, M. Rashid, D. Hempston, J. Bateman, M. Paternostro and H. Ulbricht, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 1421-1428 (2017). [2] M. Toroš, M. Rashid, H. Ulbricht, arXiv:1804.01150 (2018). [3] M. Rashid, M. Toroš, H. Ulbricht, Quantum Measurement and Quantum Metrology 4, 17-25 (2017). [4] M. Rashid, T. Tufarelli, J. Bateman, J. Vovrosh, D. Hempston, M. S. Kim, H. Ulbricht, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 273601 (2016) [5] A. Setter, M. Toroš, J. F. Ralph, H. Ulbricht, Phys. Rev. A 97, 033822 (2018). [6] D. Hempston, J. Vovrosh, M. Toroš, M. Rashid, H. Ulbricht, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 133111 (2017). [7] G. Winstone, M. Rademacher, R. Bennett, S. Buhmann, H. Ulbricht, arXiv:1712.01426 (2017).

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