
EU2 - Quantum Fields


Hamilton, Andrew J. S.


Talk Title

Inflation is Followed by BKL Collapse in Accreting, Rotating Black Holes


In 1970 Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz argued that the generic outcome of collapse to a spacelike singularity would be chaotic and oscillatory. The conclusion was called into question with Poisson & Israel's 1990 discovery of the mass inflation instability at the inner horizon of a rotating black hole. It has been widely claimed that the generic outcome of mass inflation is a weak null singularity. However, this claim is premised on a black hole that remains forever isolated. Real astronomical black holes accrete. Nonlinear general relativistic numerical calculations show that for a black hole that accretes, inflation is followed by BKL collapse. This talk will be illustrated by real-time interactive visualizations with the Black Hole Flight Simulator.

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