
ES3 - Exact Solutions (including higher dimensions)


Naidu, Nolene Ferrari


Govender, Megandhren; Maharaj, Sunil D.

Talk Title

Radiating Star With A Time-dependent Karmarkar Condition


In this paper we employ the Karmarkar condition (Proc Indian Acad Sci A 27:56, 1948) to model a spherically symmetric radiating star undergoing dissipative gravitational collapse in the form of a radial heat flux. A particular solution of the boundary condition renders the Karmarkar condition independent of time which allows us to fully specify the spatial behaviour of the gravitational potentials. The interior solution is smoothly matched to Vaidya’s outgoing solution across a time-like hypersurface which yields the temporal behaviour of the model. Physical analysis of the matter and thermodynamical variables show that the model is well behaved.

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