
ES3 - Exact Solutions (including higher dimensions)


Burinskii, Alexander


Talk Title

Kerr-Newman Spinning Particle Meets "New Physics" Beyond the Standard Model


Standard model is not ultimate and has to be generalized to a "New Physics" beyond the Standard Model. The main problem is the lack of consistency with gravity. In addition, the origin of the mechanism symmetry breaking remains uncertain, and both the extra dimensions and superpartners were not confirmed in recent experiments. Specific features of the Kerr geometry bring a few cardinally different concepts leading to "New Physics" beyond the Standard Model: C1. Kerr geometry shows that spin has great influence on space-time which increases effective scale of gravitation interaction from Planck to Compton distance. C2. Supersymmetry, which was not confirmed in form of the "superpartners", finds natural application as the field model, implementing nonperturbative mechanism of symmetry breaking. Realization of these ideas on Kerr-Schild space-time leads to a supersymmetric bag model of spinning particle, in which supersymmetric Higgs model regularizes Kerr-Newman gravity, creating inside the bag a regular and flat zone for quantum processes. There appears third principally new concept: C3. Gravity should not be quantized because the bag boundary separates it from the quantum zone.

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