
PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter


Robinson, John


Robinson, John; Oelker, Eric; Kennedy, Colin; Marti, Edward; Bothwell, Tobias; Kedar, Dhruv; Sonderhouse, Lindsay; Ye, Jun

Talk Title

Search for Dark Matter with an Optical Lattice Clock


We report on an experimental search for ultralight, scalar dark matter by frequency comparisons of a cryogenic silicon optical cavity and a 1D optical lattice clock. If a scalar dark matter particle couples to the Standard Model, it will give rise to an oscillating fine-structure constant, α. Sensitivity to dark matter is provided by the different coupling to α for the silicon crystal bond length and the strontium atomic transition frequency. Due to the extraordinary coherence time of our ultrastable laser, we achieve competitive bounds of α-variation for Fourier frequencies from 0.1 mHz to 0.1 Hz. We will also discuss the strategy of using dynamical-decoupling to extend sensitivity to higher Fourier frequencies.

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