
PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter


Zhitnitsky, Ariel


ChunJun Cao

Talk Title

Axion detection via Topological Casimir Effect


We propose a new table-top experimental configuration for the direct detection of dark matter QCD axions using non-perturbative effects in a system with non-trivial spatial topology. The idea is based on the so-called topological Casimir Effect. Different from most experimental setups found in literature on direct dark matter axion detection (which relies on derivatives of theta) we found that our system is in principle sensitive to a static theta. We explain the relation to the Witten's effect when the electric charge is proportional to theta, and the magnetic monopole becomes the dyon. The talk is mostly based on recent paper Phys.Rev. D96 (2017) 015013 [arxiv: 1702.00012]

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