
PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter


Schwerdtfeger, Peter


Victor Flambaum, Lukas Pasteka, Anastasia Borschevsky

Talk Title

Beyond the Standard Model - the Variation of Fundamental Constants in Space-Time


The standard model (SM) of particle physics is incomplete and the search for new physics beyond the SM is one of the most important and exciting endeavours in current physics. Fundamental constants play defining roles in physics and chemistry and in the SM. Modern theories attempting to unify all four fundamental forces of nature suggest that all fundamental constants may vary in space and time. A small deviation from these constants would result in a completely different universe not able to sustain life. Our research group, in close collaboration with Victor Flambaum (Sydney) and many others, currently searches for best molecular candidates to measure variations of fundamental constants in future high-precision laboratory experiments. The talk gives an overview on previous attempts to find suitable molecules for fine structure constant and proton/electron mass ratio variation.

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