
PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter


Thompson, Rodger


Talk Title

Quintessence Evolution of Fundamental Constants and Cosmolgical Parameters


The evolution of fundamental constants and cosmological parameters is derived for a quintessence cosmology using the beta function formalism. The beta function is the derivative of the cosmological scalar with respect to the natural log of the scale factor. Subject to a boundary condition the beta function specifies the evolution of the scalar and hence the evolution of the fundamental constants such as the proton to electron mass ration and the fine structure constant. The form of the beta function is not arbitrary since it is determined by the dark energy potential. The beta potential is an accurate but not exact representation of the dark energy potential. The specification of the beta function provides an additional equation to the usual cosmological equations that allows analytic solutions to cosmological parameters such as the Hubble factor and the dark energy equation of state.

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