
PT4 - Variation of the fundamental constants, violation of the fundamental symmetries and dark matter


Garcon, Antoine


Garcon, Antoine; Blanchard, John W.; Centers, Gary; Figueroa, Nataniel L.; Graham, Peter W.; Kimball, Derek F. Jackson; Rajendran, Surjeet; Sushkov, Alexander O.; Stadnik, Yevgeny V.; Wickenbrock, Arne; Wu, Teng; and Budker, Dmitry

Talk Title

Contraints On Bosonic Dark Matter From Ultralow-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CASPEr)


Elucidating the nature of dark matter would profoundly impact our understanding of cosmology and particle physics, providing key insights of physics beyond the Standard Model. Recent theories of couplings between dark matter and nuclei spins have opened the possibility of direct detection of axion and dark-photon dark matter via NMR spectroscopy. The Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) is multi-faced NMR search for such particles. We present a CASPEr experiment aiming to achieve direct detection of dark matter via zero- to ultralow-field NMR (ZULF NMR). We briefly review the physical principles enabling the detection of dark-matter via ZULF NMR and show the current ZULF NMR apparatus. We then introduce exotic measurement and data processing schemes used our searches. Finally, we present recent results on ultralight-axion dark-matter produced by this search.

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