
AC3 - Accretion discs and jets


Hernandez, Xavier


Hernández, X.; Rendón, P. L.; Tejeda, E.

Talk Title

A Hydrodynamical Mechanism for Generating Astrophysical Jets


Whenever in a classical accretion disk the thin disk approximation fails interior to a certain radius, a transition from Keplerian to radial infalling trajectories should occur. We show that this transition is actually expected to occur interior to a certain critical radius, provided surface density profiles are steeper than Sigma(R) ~ R(-1/2) , and further, that it probably corresponds to the observationally inferred phenomena of thick hot walls internally limiting the extent of many stellar accretion disks. Infalling trajectories will lead to the convergent focusing and concentration of matter towards the very central regions, most of which will simply be swallowed by the central object. We show through a perturbative hydrodynamical analysis, that this will naturally develop a well collimated pair of polar jets. A first analytic treatment of the problem described is given, proving the feasibility of purely hydrodynamical mechanisms for astrophysical jet generation. This mechanism is verified through numerical simulations exploring the dependence of the resulting jet on the geometry of the accreting matter and the equation of state assumed for the gas.

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