
AC3 - Accretion discs and jets


Mendoza, Sergio


Aguayo-Ortiz, Alejandro; Mendoza, Sergio; Olvera, Daniel.

Talk Title

A direct primitive variable recovery scheme for hyperbolic conservative equations: applications to numerical GRMHD


In this talk I will discuss a Primitive Variable Recovery Scheme (PVRS) to solve any system of coupled differential conservative equations. This method obtains directly the primitive variables applying the chain rule to the time term of the conservative equations. With this, a traditional finite volume method for the flux is applied in order avoid violation of both, the entropy and "Rankine-Hugoniot" jump conditions. The time evolution is then computed using a forward finite difference scheme. This numerical technique evades the recovery of the primitive vector by solving an algebraic system of equations as it is often used and so, it generalises standard techniques to solve these kind of coupled systems. Applications to special relativistic hydrodynamics including in some cases a fixed background curved space-time. I will also talk about the development of aztekas.org a free numerical GNU Public License code for solving any set of coupled conservative equations.

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