
AC3 - Accretion discs and jets


Karas, Vladimir


Trova, Audrey; Kovar, Jiri; Slany, Petr

Talk Title

Relativistic fluid tori with electric charge


We discuss the effects of electric charging on the equilibrium configurations of magnetized, rotating fluid tori around black holes of different mass. In the context of gaseous/dusty tori in galactic nuclei, the central black hole dominates the gravitational field and it remains electrically neutral, while the surrounding material acquires some electric charge and exhibits non-negligible self-gravitational effect on the torus structure. The structure of the torus is influenced by the balance between the gravitational and electromagnetic forces. By comparison with previous works we show that the conditions of existence of these configurations can be diverse. Similar effects occur also in the context of stellar-mass black holes, where a massive torus can form as a remnant of a tidally disrupted companion.

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