
PT6 - Fundamental physics in Space


Nobili, Anna M.


Nobili, Anna M.; Anselmi, Alberto

Talk Title

Testing the Equivalence Principle in Space After MICROSCOPE


Tests of the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP) can reveal a new, composition dependent, force of nature or disprove many models of new physics. For the first time this test is being successfully carried out in space by the MICROSCOPE satellite. Early results show no violation of the WEP sourced by the Earth for Pt and Ti test masses with random errors (after 8.26 d of integration time) of about 1 part in 1e14, and systematic errors of the same magnitude. This result improves by about 10 times over the best ground tests with rotating torsion balances despite 70 times less sensitivity to differential accelerations, thanks to the much stronger driving signal in orbit. Many lessons can be learned from the success and the limiting factors of MICROSCOPE. We analyze random and systematic errors, and discuss the key changes that will lead to higher precision tests.

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