
SF1 - Strong (EM) Fields Physics and Laboratory


Briscese, Fabio


Talk Title

Photon polarization oscillations


It has been recently demonstrated that, under the action of light-by-light scattering, light beams show collective behaviors in vacuum. For instance, in the case of two counterpropagating laser beams with specific initial helicity, the polarization of each beam oscillates periodically between the left and right helicity. Furthermore, the amplitudes and the corresponding intensities of each polarization propagate like waves. We discuss the possibility of detecting photon polarization oscillations in astrophysical observations and in laser experiments, testing light-by-light scattering in a physical (strong field) regime complementary to that explored in particle accelerators. This talk is based on the following papers: 1) F. Briscese, Light polarization oscillations induced by photon-photon scattering, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 96, 053801 (2017). 2) F. Briscese, Collective behavior of light in vacuum, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97, 033803 (2018).

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