
BH2 - Theoretical and observational studies of astrophysical black holes


Rioseco , Paola


Sarbach, Olivier

Talk Title

Mixing phenomena in relativistic kinetic gas distributions around black holes


Phase space mixing is a well-known phenomena which is the driving effect in many different physical fields, including galactic dynamics (as revealed by Lynden-Bell) and plasma physics (as displayed recently by Villani and Mouhot in the context of Landau damping). As a first approximation to understand this phenomenon, I will explain the mixing and why it occurs for the simplest case of a potential in one dimension and for gas particles that satisfy the Vlasov equation. Subsequently, I will discuss some applications for the evolution of inhomogeneities in dark matter halos. Finally, I show that the same phenomena occurs for a collisionless, relativistic kinetic gas which is trapped in the gravitational potential of a (rotating) Kerr black hole and I will also discuss potential applications for black hole astrophysics.

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