
DE2 - Dark Energy and Large Scale structure


Mathews, Grant


Mathews, Grant J., Coughlin, Jared w., Phillips, Lara A., Snedden, Ali A., Sih, In-Saeng

Talk Title

Constraints on Time-Dependent Dark Energy from the Flux Power Spectrum of the Lyman-alpha Forest


We present new calculations of the flux power spectrum of the Lyman-alpha forest in order to investigate the effects of time-dependent dark energy on this statistic. We use a parameterized version of the dark energy equation of state and sample the parameters w0 and wa from the allowed observational values as determined by the Planck Satellite. Each chosen w0, wa pair is then used in a high-resolution large-scale cosmological simulation run with the publicly available SPH code GADGET-2. From each of these simulations we extract synthetic Lyman-alpha forest spectra and calculate the flux power spectrum at several different redshifts. These power spectra are then compared to available observational data.

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