
BN4 - End of white dwarfs and type Ia Supernova


Maeda, Keiichi


Jiang, J., Doi, M., Shigeyama, T.

Talk Title

Type Ia Supernovae Triggered by Helium Detonation


A type Ia Supernova (SN Ia), MUSSES1604D, was discovered within the first day since the explosion using HSC attached on the Subaru telescope. It showed not only an excessive emission in the first days, but also characteristic features in the maximum phase; while it peaked at a normal SN Ia luminosity, the color was substantially red, and the maximum spectra showed Ti absorption in the blue. We argue that all these features are consistently explained by the "He-detonation Trigger" scenario, including the double-detonation model, This work also indicates that the early excessive emission is not always originated in the interaction with a companion star as previously suggested. We show how these different scenarios could be distinguished, and try to map the suggested progenitor/explosion models to different sub-classes of SNe Ia showing a hint of the early excessive emission.

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