
DM4 - Self Gravitating Systems and Dark Matter


Alberti, Giuseppe


Merafina, Marco

Talk Title

On the Dynamic Instability of Self-Gravitating Systems


The study of the stabilities of the self-gravitating systems is an old but still active topic of research that can be classified in two main branches, thermodynamic and dynamic. Instabilities of the first type refer to some phenomena such as the gravo-thermal catastrophe in Globular Clusters or the occurrence of gravitational phase transitions in the case of the Fermi gas. Instabilities of the second type, conversely, refer to some problems such as the radial and the non-radial oscillations of the spherical stars. The subject of this work is the study of the rise of the dynamic instabilities by considering the case of anisotropic fluids in a general relativistic framework. In particular, a stability criterion (expressed in terms of the adiabatic local index) is derived. Moreover, some applications of the criterion to the case of some astrophysical systems are shown.

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