
GW8 - Dense stellar environments as sites of gravitational wave emission




Capuzzo Dolcetta, Roberto; Spurzem, Rainer

Talk Title

The secular evolution of the Nuclear Star Cluster of the Milky Way.


Nuclear Stellar Clusters are so dense stellar systems (up to 10^7 stars in few parsec radius) that their dynamics cannot be followed with the high precision, direct summation available N-body codes over a long integration time. This poster introduces the main idea of our project, that is of studying the dynamics of the MW NSC by means of a new approach to work in a direct summation code. The focus is on setting an inner region of the MW NSC containing a ”treatable” number of stars (10^5 to 10^6 stars) where we run the direct N-body simulation with the advanced code NBODY6++GPU while modeling the region surrounding the subset sphere ”boundary” by a suitable method preserving precision and speed. This strategy will allow us to study the evolution of the NSC over its 2-body relaxation time with an acceptable numerical effort by mean of a massive computational platform.

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