
BH5 - Black hole thermodynamics


Terno, Daniel


Baccetti, Valentina; Nagle, Ian; Mann, Robert B

Talk Title

Effects of pre-Hawking Radiation on Gravitational Collapse


Analysis of the causal structure of collapse and evaporation process and detailed field-theoretical calculations lead us to consider the effects of black hole radiation starting prior to the final stage of collapse. Its precise form is still controversial, but its existence leads to a number of general conclusions about evolution of the collapsing bodies. Starting from a massive thin shell in spherically-symmetric spacetime and using the semiclassical Einstein equations we show that if a non-zero radiation flux is perceived by a distant observer, the shell remains at a certain sub-Planckian distance from the Schwarzschild radius. This distance depends only on the shell’s mass and evaporation rate. Moreover, a collapsing massive thin shell might become null in a finite proper time. I discuss the conditions that the metric must satisfy for such `horizon avoidance’ to take place. I then consider how these results can be extended to general spherically-symmetric collapse. Without the event horizon the information loss paradox is gone, but many important conceptual and observational questions just become more interesting.

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