
BH5 - Black hole thermodynamics


Viaggiu, Stefano


Talk Title

Statistical Description Of Black Hole Entropy In Terms Of Trapped Gravitons And Its Physical Consequences


In this talk we depict the well known Schwarzschild black hole entropy in terms of trapped gravitons within the event horizon. A discrete spectrum for the so trapped gravitons is obtained and used to calculate thermodynamic quantities. The semi-classical expression for the black hole entropy is obtained with a temperature proportional to the usual Bekenstein-Hawking one and as a result a pressure term arises in the first law of thermodynamic. My approach is an attempt do obtain the semi-classical black hole entropy in terms of degrees of freedom stored inside (but 'near') the event horizon. Moreover, it is also shown that by modifying the internal energy by a term motivated by quantum Planckian fluctuations, a phase transition emerges during evaporation process with a vanishing specific heat at Planckian scales, thus representing the end of the evaporation process.

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