
BH5 - Black hole thermodynamics




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Entropy Bound For Scalar Fields In The Near-horizon Region


In this article we will discuss a Lorentzian sector calculation of the entropy of a minimally coupled scalar field in the Kerr family of black hole backgrounds. We will use the brick wall model of 't Hooft. In a Kerr black hole, it is possible to calculate the entropy of a thin shell of matter field in the near-horizon region using the brick wall model. The corresponding leading-order entropy of the scalar field is found to be proportional to the area of the horizon and is logarithmically divergent. The entropy is also found to be a decreasing function of the the thickness of the thin shell. The above aspects are also valid in a Schwarzschild black hole. Quantum fields in a curved spacetime is regarded as the semi-classical limit of a quantum theory of gravity. Thus, we obtain a bound on the entropy of matter fields confined in the near-horizon region of the asymptotically flat black holes from the semi-classical theory of quantum gravity.

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